Deliverance Through Jesus Christ - Part 1

This is Part 1 on this subject of deliverance. This is surely not an exhaustive account on deliverance but we will look at the most critical issues affecting believers and unbelievers. Satan, through his agents and demons affects every household the world over. This is a human problem and we are all in dire need of our Saviour's deliverance. I beseech you therefore, read, share and apply prayer fully as you prepare for the coming of our Lord and Great King Jesus Christ!

Faith and Deliverance

This article on deliverance would be incomplete if a short discussion on faith is absent. Many times we are told that we need deliverance and indeed when we are ministered to, we partially or never experience complete deliverance. There are countless incidents of faith being needed when deliverance is ministered. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself inquired of the people He ministered to express faith or confidence in His Ability to either deliver of heal them (Matthew 9:28a).

We will also be looking at some practical examples or real experiences of deliverance under the leading direction of our Lord Jesus Christ. We experienced Live and explosive deliverance sessions as the Lord directed us through Charis. She records what the Lord says, and we implement, thus resulting in the evidence of His words. Furthermore, we would also like to relive some of the most dramatic moments of deliverance in the Life’s of many people in our ministry. Moreover, I will also briefly chronicle my own deliverance experience and the “Weapons” I employed to maintain a healthy spiritual Life.

For all practical reasons, it would be impossible to list and account for every incident of deliverance. We have only summarised the most common and frequent occurrences. People are different only in terms of their personality traits, which influences how they do things. However, the broader human experience and our employment of external resources to sustain ourselves are natural and ultimate purpose is Survival.

In summary, the road to deliverance is and has never been an easy road. The truth is sin is the greatest attraction to demonic oppression. The appetite for wrong-doing is resident in our nature and as people; we find it very difficult to resist sensual bodily inclinations. Our lives are controlled by needs, but the spirit of selfishness always presents an opportunity for more. Having said that, opportunities for more, if left unchecked or controlled leads to a new personality development which results in a covert or syndicate addictive behavioural pattern. This newly developed pattern says ‘because more is rewarding subtly breaks faith with commonly accepted norms and embraces forbidden territory and disregards individual responsibility and accountability towards God and His statutes. This also violates other’s good and well-being, the end results is self-destructiveness. Through various indulgences and rebelliousness, demonic influences are present; this drives people to greater wickedness against God. When correction, through the Word of God, is presented guilty springs into life that brings awareness of bondage, making deliverance inevitable. It is a fact, the word of God brings the knowledge of sin and guilt and it provides the way to deliverance. (John 16:8-10).

The Ministry of Deliverance

The most neglected ministry of the Christian church is deliverance. If we were consistent the condition of the world would have testified to this. While it is truth that deliverance is a personal choice on an individual’s part, we should encourage the effectiveness of the kind of life it brings and the eternal rewards God promised. The Lord Jesus Christ preached a message of deliverance with Power and when He said: “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to SET FREE the OPPRESSED to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour (Luke 4:18).

Our message as the redeemed is to tell the world what the Lord has done for us (saved and delivered) and He is waiting on them to allow Him to do likewise in their lives. No person or religion in the world can offer deliverance from sin and God’s judgements. But only our Lord Jesus Christ through His shed BLOOD (Acts 4:12; Hebrews 9:12).

My Conversion Experience

Since we are dealing with deliverance, I might as well add a brief testimony of myself (Glenn).In early 1990, the Lord caused me to come across a small red Gideon New Testament bible at a friend’s house. The previous night was all just drinking and smoking of marijuana. It obviously became too late for me to go home considering the walking distance to get home. The very state that I was in was equally reason for me to sleep over at my friends place.

The next morning when I got up to go home; I spotted a small red book in a corner of the room. I went over to pick it up, briefly examining it, and after having discovered it was a bible, I pocketed it, as it was small enough to fit in my pocket. After greeting my friend and his family, I left and went home. The first thing I reached for was this little bible in my pocket and I started reading it immediately.

My bible reading became my new habit. I kept up my reading every day. I wanted to know more until I was overcame with guilt and a deep conviction. This three months plus of non-stop bible reading changed my attitude. I read through the entire New Testament, I understood very little, but I needed deliverance from my habits of cigarette smoking, marijuana and alcohol. I was controlled by these habits, every break I got from work I would go with some of my friends and have a puff. My greatest fear came when I read the book of Revelations. Moreover, my habitual bible reading changed my behaviour towards others.

I asked a few people: how do I become born-again? They gave me unsatisfactory answers; I followed faith in my heart and did as Romans 10:9-10 says “If you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”. Days after confessing my sins and accepting the Lord, new convictions started to hit me. These uncomfortable feelings of guilt bothered me every time I light up a cigarette. The Lord delivered me after many prayers and bible reading from marijuana and alcohol. This deliverance happened immediately after I gave my life to the Lord. I was 22 years old when I first gave my life to the Lord. I started experimenting with these habits when I was 16 years old, through the influence of friends and this led to my addictiveness. Cigarettes smoking took me more than six months to quit. This was one of the hardest habits to quit. I would quit and start again, this happened amidst convictions and self-condemnations. I had no peace and I needed an escape from this habit. Those of you who never tasted some of these destructive habits you are better off not knowing how they taste. It attracts the flesh and creates a need for its constant use. During this battle, my walk with the Lord was in the balance. I had to choose between the Lord and my smoking plus ‘gaining’ back liquor and marijuana.

Beloved, the emphasis on smoking of cigarettes or any other substances is very serious and important, and the Lord wants me to share this testimony with you.

Without venturing into much detail, I fell and became backslidden for more than 10 years, and I went back to my old habits. One night after having smoked marijuana, I went to bed high and very tired. The next moment I don’t know how, but I left my body and I found myself at the Lord’s feet pleading for mercy. He told me how He loved me; He also told me many other things which I cannot remember. The next moment when I came back to my physical senses I was praying pleading for mercy and deliverance.

To avoid a lengthy story, about five years ago I committed my life again to the Lord, and while I was on a seven day fast, I pleaded again for deliverance from cigarette smoking after many failed attempts. Just two days into my seven day fasting, the Lord appeared to Charis for the first time saying “I love My children”; Hallelujah! What an incentive and endorsement to my decision to quit smoking. My smoking fellow believer in Christ, this is for you; the Lord does not want you to miss Heaven because of a cigarette.  Below is a vision the Lord gave Charis regarding a brother who had a hard time quitting cigarettes, but by the grace of God this brother fought back bravely. May the Lord continue to help him and others preserve their bodies as God’s temple (1 Corinthians 3:16) and as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1).

A Christian Brother in HELL for Smoking

I will share a short prophetic vision the Lord showed Charis. She was shown two visions of people we know, who died and went to hell mainly because of their addiction to nicotine. I want to empathically state, prophetic visions are true.

The Lord once showed Charis how a certain man we know would die. This man I would like to call David, became very sick suddenly. His condition deteriorated rapidly and he became pencil thin. I visited him regularly praying for him and encouraging him in the Lord. I shared with him what the Lord showed Charis and that he must make his life right with the Lord, I led him to the Lord and blessed him with a bible and some other literature. I warned and told him about HELL.

The Lord even told Charis that He was going to heal David if he remains faithful. David was briefly hospitalised and discharged without any improvement to his condition, in fact, he complained bitterly about the treatment he received at the hospital. After his discharged from hospital I continued visiting him at home encouraging him in the Lord, I was also very pleased seeing him reading his bible. His condition improved remarkably. Clearly, the Lord was at work within him, fulfilling His promise. He gained weight and he could eat properly.

People, I have seen many other people including Christians, who goes back to their former ways after experiencing the Lord’s healing and deliverance. They forget what the Lord said: “Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you”. (John 5:14).David did just that, he I went back to his old habits. He avoided me, ignored me and even stopped speaking to me. We asked the Lord and He said that we must just pray for him. A few weeks after his released from hospital he died just as the Lord showed Charis in that vision.

Beloved, we must not go back to the world and its desires after the Lord has healed or delivered us. We must maintain and work on our salvation daily. This is undoubtedly is achieved through DAILY BIBLE READING and PRAYERS at least THREE to more times a day. Many people who requested us to ask the Lord on their behalf for Word received the same reply from the Lord. Their basic relationship with the Lord is not pleasing to Him. They ask for things from the Lord but they dishonour the Lord’s command for daily bible reading and prayers (Joshua 1:8, Daniel 6:10). Their requests will not be granted until they change their attitude and take their salvation seriously. They lack faith the Lord also pointed out because they have no relationship with Him. Faith is a gift that God gives and He will increase our faith in Him as we spend more time in His Presence through the Word, prayer and worship. These are the ingredients to a healthy spiritual life. Our next article will touch on this subject and more.

Vision of a Christian Brother in Hell for Smoking 

Below is the vision the Lord showed Charis of a believing brother who ended up in HELL for smoking. We never shared this vision with anybody else except with this brother. The Lord wants His children to know about this and to repent and stop smoking. This is one of two visions of smokers going to HELL.

“The Lord showed me a white male, uncle ‘R’. He was in a pit in Hell screaming for help. I saw the Lord appearing before uncle ‘R’ (it must be noted, the Lord gave this brother words of instruction through Charis, in fact the very words he is repeating in this vision) He asked the Lord, “Lord Jesus, why am I in this place, I did read the bible 3 times a day and prayed 3 times a day just as you commanded, Why Lord!”. The Lord replied: “There was one thing you did not do, you never stopped smoking”. With these words, Uncle R fell backwards while flames surrounded him and he screamed ‘Nooooooooooo’ saying to the Lord “Lord please tell the people of South Africa they must not disobey the Lord”. End.

God-fearing people, many born-again believers are in bondage to cigarette smoking and countless numbers of these believers end up going to Hell. The Lord says that they tell themselves that there is no scripture that warns about smoking. They are in error, 1 Corinthians 3:16 says we are the temple of God as God’s Holy Spirit lives in us. I appeal in love to you my smoking brethren, STOP your habit and choose the Lord above your craving; I did that through consistent prayer, faith and dependence on the Lord. I received my deliverance to keep. Therefore, WORK WITH THE LORD BY FAITH FOR YOUR DELIVERANCE, BREAK FREE FROM YOUR HABITS, SALVATION IS FREE AND ALWAYS WILL BE, DO NOT CONFUSE THIS TRUTH. THE SCRIPTURES SAYS:Work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). I need to emphasise many has falsely said that salvation is free and we only need to come and receive, but do nothing because that would be works. This is deceptive, the bible says, “Be holy because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16). This is the believer’s lifestyle holiness and continuous sinning is partnering up with the father of sin and rebelliousness – Satan. He wants to keep us in bondage so that we will never experience the TRUE FREEDOM the Son of God promised (John 8:32).

Without Faith, There is No Deliverance from Demonic Oppression or Habits

The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is a ministry of faith, deliverance and holiness. It is also a ministry of unconditional giving and faithful love. The author of this ministry of salvation is Himself the manifestation and embodiment of abundant love (Hebrews 12:2), we His servants must imitate.

The world, like the disciple Thomas says: ‘let me first see then I will believe (John 20:25-27) but the scripture boldly declares: ‘Now faith is ….. ‘(Hebrews 11:1). In other words this scripture tells us, believes first, and then you will see the result of your faith. In believing, we express in action approval of biblical truths as given by God. The result of faith is confirming biblical claims. Biblical truth and the Holy Spirit are the only live witnesses we have and the evidence of our faith confirms its authenticity. Beyond this, no other evidence is needed. Testimony to biblical claims plays itself out through believers who consciously and spontaneously act on its message. Faith then is a choice and an option, as evidenced through the apostle Thomas’ statement: “I will only believe…”(see John 20:25; Romans 10:17) This tells us that the Apostle Thomas chose not to believe, so he exercised his faith as an option. This is too often the practice of some believers. We choose to believe certain biblical truths and conveniently disagree with other scriptural teachings. This we do to our own disadvantage. When we reject certain scriptural truths and fail to do as it says within the context of its application in our lives, we express no faith in its Author, God.

We have enquired of the Lord for many brethren. The Lord answered many of them saying they have no faith in Him or some just don’t have enough faith to receive what they prayed for. This we learned is because they do not want to believe what the bible says, but what others told them what the bible says. They honour the word of the pastor more than God’s Word. The Lord send many of them back to bible reading and the reward is faith and deliverance from ignorance. In a future article, and if the Lord has not come yet, I will share on some things and practices in most churches which are unbiblical. Some pastors has gone to the extent of ‘Lording themselves over the flock of God (1 Peter 5:3). Let me encourage you brother, you must disagree with your pastor where necessary and even rebuke him if he distort the Word of God and acts sinfully. He is a servant as you are, and his sinful behaviour is deceiving. Many weak believers follow after the corrupt practices of some pastors. I admonish follow the bible, your only guide to heaven.

Faith is God’s Gift to Humanity

The apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesian church stated that faith is a gift (Ephesians 2:8) Paul also listed faith as a gift of the Spirit. Faith is a spirit (2 Corinthians 4:13) and it is thus supernatural. It is a free gift of God to all mankind, we only need to accept when we hear the message of faith (Romans 10:17) Faith is brought to us and wrapped as a gift in the message of salvation so then, a message from God needs to be accepted and acted upon and only then will its truth manifest. The evidence of manifested truth gives confidence and God rewards those who believe (Hebrews 11:6). In practice and without looking for external evidence to verify God’s revealed truth about salvation and man’s eternal destiny. Faith must solely be based on God’s Redemptive work through the CROSS, His divine authority, His infinite Power and His Holy character and attributes.

Deliverance from Demonic Oppression and Destructive Behavioural Habits

This is a story of deliverance of a sister who fellowshipped with our group. According to her, she knew the Lord for many years more than 15 years. She was introduced to us by a friend and we asked her to pray with us, we became part of our Saturday night prayer members. She knew the Lord was speaking to Charis and she read some of the messages.

This sister suffered from the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) and faithlessness. Her fears led her to bitter complains and paranoia. We can understand an occasional complain it is normal, but highlighting your problems every time shows a lack of faith. This sister would call us quite frequently on the phone for advice and counsel and she would come visit us at night. The best and only thing we could do was to pray for her. She faithfully attended our Wednesday evening home church services.

One Saturday afternoon, she visited us, so my wife and a sister in our ministry prayed for her after a short faith based discussion. My wife and our sister Sophie prayed for her and rebuking every demon in her in the Powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. She rolled around on the floor while vomiting a green, yellowish substance while her body emitted a foul smell.

A few days after this deliverance experience, her paranoia and fears resurfaced, we all prayed in agreement and asked the Lord for word through Charis for her situation. The Lord instructed that she fast for two weeks and pray four times a day. She obeyed and faithfully carried out the Lord’s command, she however, continued with her fears and complaining while she was on the fast.

Soon after she completed her two week fasting, we joined hands and asked the Lord again, the Lord responded saying: (I am directly quoting from what the Lord said, only withholding her name) ”My daughter Nora does not have enough faith in Me and My daughter must read the book of Revelations, and I love My daughter Nora, My daughter Nora must pray a lot, and My daughter Nora must come to the home church every Wednesday, and My daughter Nora must attend the Friday night ministry to witness to people, so that I can bless her. My daughter Nora must attend the Saturday prayer meetings so that I can work in her life”.

This message changed this sister’s relationship with us and she started questioning the Lord’s words through Charis. Instead of just obeying to grow and learn to trust the Lord and not man she distanced herself from us and our work, which she was called to be a part of. We continued to pray for her. Like many other believers, she bowed to her unbelieving husband’s demands and complaint about the prayer times. She quoted Ephesians 5:22 which deal with husband and wife relationships in the house. I reminded her that the Scripture does not say we must obey our husbands or wife’s more than God. I know many will oppose me on this, but the Lord has tested many women who are a part of our ministry to resist the will of their husbands over the will of God. They obeyed God by attending late night prayers, late night witnessing and services. They applied Luke 14:26-27. This says we must follow the Lord despite opposition from children, spouses and parents.

Deliverance from Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking and Other Vices

This is a testimony of a brother the Lord send to us some time ago, I offered him some tea to drink and we sat done to talk. I seized the opportunity to witness to him. I later suggested to him that we listen and watch a couple of testimonies including Brother Bill Wiese’s testimony. He agreed after I gave him a brief explanation on the testimonies. This made him curious. This brother was weeping as he listens to the testimonies. I sat opposite him listening and saying nothing. I knew the Holy Spirit was at work in him. I heard him repeating the sinner’s prayer as he read it under his breath. Shortly after that we listened and watched a DVD testimony, I asked him if he wants me to pray for him, he agreed and as I was just starting to pray with my eyes still closed, I heard heavy breathing and upon opening my eyes he was shaking uncontrollably, In an instant his eyes turned blood red. From this point, I knew it was not him looking at me, but demons. A foul stench covered our living room which came from his body. I rebuked this evil spirits in Jesus name, He fell to the floor and started rolling around vomiting smelly stuff, aught! Through the help of the Holy Spirit I reached for my cd player and played a praise and worship cd and I started worshiping the Lord while I was rebuking these demons in him in Jesus name.

Several times during this deliverance session, I looked straight into his eyes and I perceived how these demons were trying to intimidate me. I felt some fear coming upon me, but I resisted. At the same time the presence of the Holy Spirit was heavily upon me. I called my wife to join me in prayer and she stood in some distance praying in tongues. We struggled with these demons for more than two hours before it left. I took out my bible and I read Luke 4:18. I was still busy reading when I noticed a final vomiting and he laid there motionless like a corpse. I woke him up a few minutes thereafter with all the evil expressions gone from his face. Totally delivered, glory to God!

The Return of Evil Spirits

This brother’s deliverance was short-lived. A few weeks after his deliverance, he went back to his former way of living. He went back to drugs, alcohol, bad company, theft etc. We failed to follow up on him immediately after his deliverance with Word and discipleship. We often met with him and we would encourage him to come back to the Lord. He frequently visited our Wednesday home-church services. During one of our services he asked for prayer and accepted the Lord again repenting, and about a few weeks thereafter the Lord told Charis one Wednesday morning ”Your mother and father and the home-church people must just praise and worship, and no babies and children are allowed tonight”.

Kindly allow me to say this, the Lord told us that He is the Leader of our ministry. I was given messages to preach through Charis, the Lord knowing the hearts and spiritual needs of the people. Our services starting times and ending times, He also tells Charis where we should go and witness. He points out the areas Himself. We just obey. I will write on our next article the test the Lord put us through and the fruits we gathered through these tests.

Second Deliverance from Demonic Oppression

Following this word from the Lord we obeyed and send our children away. This brother came to the service that night, and about 20 minutes into worshiping, while everybody was deeply intimate with the Lord in worship. My attention was caught by a sister who pointed to the direction where this brother was standing. He was holding his chest as if he was in some terrible pain with an expression of discomfort on his face.

The same experience like the last time ensued, he fall to the floor, vomiting. Rolling around, screaming for help, with blood red eyes. We just continued worshiping and rebuking in Jesus name. I momentarily pause worshiping to rebuke, he managed to grab me on my lower left leg and twisted my ankle. I tried to pull my leg out of his grip but he held onto it. I through pain, I bent my knee and pressed him with my knee on his chest, that afflicted some pain on him and that is how he released my ankle. I am still bearing that pain till today.

I backed down and continued worshipping and the Holy Spirit reminding me that the Lord said we must just worship not rebuke. I then encouraged the brethren to concentrate on worshiping, while he laid on the floor groaning and rolling about from one end of the room to the other. We sang worshipping the Lord with fatigue setting in, but we continued. We also knew the service could not end until this brother was delivered. This deliverance session took us well over five hours and his deliverance came only through praise and worship. The Lord did it Himself after we joined hands and prayed a prayer of agreement. Soon after we said ‘Amen’ he was FREE!!! GLORY TO JESUS!!!

After his deliverance, I took him home on foot at about 01:20 A.M. He was clearly in a lot of pain as he held his stomach, and he could hardly speak. I could not put him on my back as he is heavier than I. We walked amidst down pours from above, while he was still groaning in pain.

His Recovery Message from the Lord

The next day the lord told Charis: “Your father and mother and the home-church were very strong last night” And this brother was commanded by the Lord: “My son James must read his bible every day starting from the book of Genesis and My son James must pray three times a day and he must stop smoking and drinking” He obeyed and retained his salvation, deliverance and relationship with the Lord until today. He joined our ministry of witnessing and our Saturday prayer meetings. ALL GLORY PRAISE AND HONOR TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ONLY!

Deliverance of a Mentally Disturbed Man

To avoid lengthy detail, a young man John (not real name) has a history of mental problems. A few years ago, my wife and John’s mother laid hands on him and prayed for his deliverance. We noticed a slight improvement in his behaviour as a result of this deliverance session. There were some visible manifestations of deliverance like the vomiting and his passing out. His condition improved slightly, but not long thereafter he relapsed. His mother decided to send him to a mental institution for a few months for help. He came back from this institution completely sound. Again a few months thereafter he was enticed into drugs and alcohol and his previous condition resurfaced.

His behaviour became extremely weird and through his actions he almost caused himself serious bodily harm or even his death. Some people who did not understand his condition beat him up very badly. This prompted us to earnestly seek the Lord in prayer for this young man John and the Lord answered our call and said that we must pray for him in our home-church service promising a great deliverance. All of us joined in prayer for him that evening, but he did not show any manifestations of being delivered. These spirits caused him to swear. Our service ended with him still not fully delivered. We took this matter to the Lord and this time He said that John needed more deliverance and that we must pray very hard for him in our Saturday evening corporate prayers. He needed no faith given to his condition. He was delivered and put in his right or sound mind through our faith, prayers and petitions. We did not see or witness how he got delivered from his condition, but about two weeks after our prayers and continued prayers he showed improvement. Today he is still in his right mind. Praise the lord! He got healed and delivered because the Lord honoured our faith and his mother’s faith who is a faithful member of our ministry.

Born again Christians Can be Possessed by Demons

Beloved brethren, while there have been many incidents of deliverance administered to us by the Lord Jesus Christ with powerful and life changing results, I will only look at the solutions the Lord provided. We have been taught with compelling reasoning that born again Christians cannot be possessed by demons. I believed this teaching and even taught it myself. This teaching is untrue. While there is no scriptural evidence to this fact, it does not mean that it’s false. This we observed through our walk and experiences with the Lord. We can therefore not deny what we witness and regard as unbiblical. This experiences that showed that certain believers are possessed by demons through their behaviour and the manifestations displayed is evidence of the Lord’s work. Why then do these demons respond when they are rebuked and called upon in Jesus' name to leave? This is evidence enough that they are there and the very sinful habits and behaviour with bad spiritual fruits in a believer is proof that Christians even though they are in Christ by faith, are bodily possessed by demons through their disobedience. I will briefly share some experiences of some believers in our ministry below.

Disobedient, Ignorant and Lazy Christians

Satan thrives over Scripturally uninformed believers. He has a powerful gripe over the lazy and unfaithful Christian. These are those who always crops up excuses when they must do their Christian duties like prayers, word reading, witnessing and giving. These believers have faith in the Lord, but they are disobedient and they bear very bad fruits. The Lord exposed very seriously some of our disobedience and bad fruits in our ministry.

Briefly, in our fellowship group the Lord dealt with a few believers. Some of these believers including myself have been to Bible school; they attended church every Sunday faithfully and even having ushering position in the church. From the surface these believers appeared obedient and God- fearing.

We never doubted their commitment to the Lord, they showed great love to us May the Lord bless their precious hearts, I invited them individually to come and pray with us. I hasten to add, I am in no business to promote some ministry or attraction to us, God forbid! Such behaviour is self-glorification and not from the Lord. I PREACH CHRIST JESUS AND POINT MAN TO HIM. HE DOES, I FOLLOW! BLESSED BE THE LORD! AMEN!

The Lord started giving us messages through Charis showing our many flaws, through these messages, we are being unmasked by the Lord and the common vices were brought to light. The Lord is not afraid of hurting our feelings, He speaks it as it is and we are hurt because of this TRUTH. Some of these bad fruits were amongst others laziness, greed, selfishness, lies, bad attitude, not caring for others, being unequal (being prejudice towards others), swearing in our minds, thinking bad things, not praying and reading bible, gossiping, and bad moods. Believers do need deliverance from these bad fruits. The fruit of the Holy Spirit only comes through test, continuous fellowship with the Lord through prayer, bible reading and spending time worshipping Him. In addition to this, there was a time when the Lord gave Charis every Wednesday morning a message for me to preach, and it was a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. I was given all nine Fruits to preach on. John the Baptist says we must ‘produce fruit in keeping with repentance’ (Matthew 3:8).

Because the Lord entrusted us with these messages for these members, which we passed on to them, and which Charis wrote in her book, we decided not to identify the individual members, but grouped the sins the Lord revealed to Charis together for the group. Through these messages that Lord gave us, we gained knowledge of our mistakes through the pain of the truth, we repented and experience deliverance. There were actual incidence of demonic manifestations in our worship sessions like hysterical screaming, violent vomiting and convulsions. The Lord would even come saying, that NO CHILDREN are allowed in our deliverance meeting, and specifically mentioning who would be delivered amongst us. This deliverance came through very high praises and worship and POWER ASCENDED on us and the RISEN CHRIST at work in our midst. I give Jesus Christ my Holy Saviour solemnly PRAISE, GLORY and HONOR! HE IS GOOD FOREVER!

Prayer Daily Bible Reading Brings Deliverance and Change of Attitude

In conclusion, I have been possessed by many other evil and destructive habits including the spirit of murder, hatred and un-forgiveness. Not that I ever murdered someone. I did not go to a church or to someone for help, not that I discourage such help, but I prayed for myself having acknowledged my need for help from the Lord. The Lord who is the TRUTH knows, I am speaking the truth; I have always been an avarice bible reader. I am not trying to brag here, but no one preached the gospel to me when I first believed, my faith and conversion to Christ Jesus came solely through bible reading and POWERFUL VISIONS he gave me. When the Lord appeared to me first time in 1992 He told me: “Be careful not to believe anything what anybody else tells you, only then will you be able to make God your reliance”. Let me just encourage those who are without a church or who feel ashamed to approach a ministry for deliverance. The Lord is able to deliver you Himself without the need of human help as He has proven twice through my experiences after deep involvement in sin. He has shown us through Charis He has not changed, because He says: “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. (Matthew 11:28). He does not say go to someone, trust the Lord only.

In the times we are living, there is an abundance of satanic churches and one fine young girl told me how she was possessed by demons through her connection with such a church and being “anointed” by some ‘bishop’ lady. Through this she got demonic abilities, be therefore very careful where you are going for help. I hope to include some useful ‘biblical test questions ‘in our next article. Peace and love to you all in Jesus name, I pray this helps!

Brother Glenn Van Rooyen
PS: You may read Part II here -- Deliverance Through Jesus Christ - Part 1I.