Monday, April 18, 2022

How The Holy Spirit Confirms Our Adoption As Children Of God

No One Can Snatch You Out Of My Father’s Hand

John 10:22-30 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.  My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.  I and the Father are one.”

Brethren, we are still working on a great article and we will post it once we are done! Now, can anyone understand that once we have received his Spirit and He knows us, and truly we are His? The hearing of God’s voice is not as easy as it seems, but through his word, we can know Him and do what pleases Him. As the Spirit enables us to memorize his teaching we then need to put into practice what Jesus preached. Practicality is important but without his Spirit, it is impossible even to pray for our enemies.

The Spirit of God mighty hovers over us and visits us, we bless the Lord that most of the time we don’t even see Him for a surprise visit. Yes, the Lord Jesus visits us when he decides it is never in our own will. We also know that His Spirit lives in us and through us. John 14:20

As we go through the motion in life it is interesting that as we grow and get older we sense a yearning of knowing him more. Life is precious and every day we should enjoy the life that God gives, so precious because today we are here and tomorrow gone. Matthew 6:34

This word allows us to think well about our friends, and family, to care, even more, to visit them, call them, and know how they are doing, this is very precious to God. John 13:34

Sometimes, the Spirit tells us about someone and we forget to call or to answer God’s Spirit, it is a shame, but the Spirit will never force on all of us but will try to guide us through our daily routine.

The lives of the Prophets and Men of God are quite interesting, they hear God speaking to them in a vision audibly and they are told about future events and warnings from God. (Joseph story, Jeremiah, David Ezekiel, John in Revelation, etc..)

We have been given the Awesome Spirit of God to be inspired by him. The Eternal Life is contained in the Spirit of God He prompts us and guides us, He is the fountain of life within, and also our peace care, and love.

God has done a marvelous thing, He has redeemed us and regenerated us through his Spirit given, once Christ died for us and had to pay for our freedom from the penalty of sin. The Lord Jesus Christ is our conquerer. High Priest, He is also our counselor, our life for Eternity. He is the one who interacts with us, and as God said in the scripture above: He will not allow anyone to snatch us from his hand.

Would this mean we could not die? yes of course as we see the Saints in the bible and prophets, they were people who belong to him, even Job tells us how truthful he was, though thou went through all he had to go through He loved God and Satan the enemy lost the battle on him. God said to him, that he could not take Job’s soul but do as he wished for his surroundings, family, etc.

The disciples were his followers, this has never prevented them to die a glorious death in the face of their trials, and also they were all belonging to God; we are talking here of the physical realm, but their souls belong to God their Spiritual body.

The fact that God has kept us is a sure assurance of his great love and protection, He is aware of us, even Jesus said that before we open our mouths, God knows what we need. Matthew 6:8

I would like to do a parallel, There is an interesting part that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 13:18-19 “Hear then the parable of the Sower:  When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart.

It is interesting to see that people who follow his teaching and understand it, are actually practicing no matter what their circumstances are, they dare continue following Jesus because He is their first love- God knows them and they are known for their true devotion and love towards the brethren. So does Christianity look like a robot system? I mean by this, doing to the letter what the bible says as if we should fear our every move as a Christian? no-Perfect love cast out fear Jesus said, 1 John 4:18So how can we successfully live our Christian life? well, we should be led by the Spirit of God and filled by him, it is him who led us instruct us in the word, encourage us and protect us.

A Christian without the Spirit of God is dead. We then as Jesus said must be animated by his Spirit and also born of the water of repentance. John 3:5 If we love him then we should desire to please him and to follow his steps, his teaching. Can a Christian be perfect at all times? no, because we are sinning during the day even without knowing it, but thanks God that He observes us, and we are confessing our sins every day and want to please him.

Finally, we need to tune in, as if, when we want to listen to the radio we need to turn on the button to hear properly the station of the radio, so it is the same with the Spirit of God we need to learn how to hear from Him, as we are aware and keep our spirit open to Him daily.

If you were blessed by this message, kindly share it. We would also like to encourage those who are not Saved yet to consider repenting and accepting the Lord in their lives by praying this  Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Prophets were very open to the Spirit of God and could perceive when God was speaking.

Blessings to you.

Brother Patrice and Reviewed by Brother Glenn

Monday, April 11, 2022

Doing Good In The Name Of The Lord Pleases Him

Doing Good The worldly Way Is For Self-elevation

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your GOOD WORKS and give Glory to your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16 HCSB).


The Lord said whatever things we do in His name are important to Him, and it is evidence of our faith and He abiding in us, fulfilling His word, promises, and His love in action for mankind (Colossians 3:17, 23-24).

Short vision: Brethren, in the early hours of this morning (17/12/2018) the Lord showed me a short vision in which I was shown a man whom I know in the Lord. In the vision, it appeared as if God was bestowing honor because of obedience upon this particular brother. Similarly, I also saw some witnesses nearby who testified about the grace and change God brought about in the life of this brother as they related one after another the Good of God in the life of this man. 

Now brethren, what the Lord revealed to me is that no effort or work a person does by faith and in the NAME OF THE LORD will ever go unnoticed. As it is, all our works will be duly recognized and rewarded (Acts 10:4) and some of these blessings are not just reserved for Heaven but are given here too where there is need (Mark 10:29-30). Considering also what the Lord said in the latter part of verse 30 in the preceding scripture, persecutions and what makes it so memorable is the stigma of pain that follows our efforts in the Lord. Having shared this we conclude, don't give up or grow weary of doing good our painful or stressful efforts will receive remedy from the Lord Almighty!

Throughout the world, there are non-Christian charitable organizations that are doing good. With love and respect, these organizations are doing good in their own names. They give out of their abundance and compassion for the needy, yet without a message of hope and faith. Moreover, some religious organizations give to the needy to advance the cause of their religion and message. Similarly, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ commands all Christians to have their light shine before men; why? So that God may be glorified through our good works (Matthew 5:14-15).

Therefore, whether we give from a religious or from human compassion, people benefiting want to be able to identify the source so that they may give ‘glory’ and build their trust base and dependence. This race of doing good is open to all including the devil, who is using this as a tool to trap people (Genesis 3:4-5). Also, individual people and organizations are doing so to receive some recognition or reward, or both. In contrast, the Scriptures counsel us not to expect anything in return (Luke 6:35), for God will reward us. As Christians, if we insist on being acknowledged and that our doing good comes from ourselves and not from the Lord than we would have received our reward (Luke 14:12-13). 

Unfortunately, in today’s business environment, no one gives without promoting their ‘brand’ to attract attention, and this practice is well entrenched in the church too. We do good to attract attention to our church and loyalty to our ‘brand’. When people respond to our ‘brand’ or message because of the good they received from us, we would have used God’s name but created followers for ourselves. The fruit of our good works must show through people’s faith and obedience to God. This is simple to spot if we consider our inner attitude and our response to others in similar situations as we are or were.

Responding Out of Love for God

Our Lord Jesus Christ was at all times God-conscious. He did not mind about His own affairs and needs; He shared His life for the benefit of mankind, out of love for God the Father (Acts 10:38; Luke 9:58; John 4:31-34). Likewise, Nehemiah’s heart was bent on doing the will of God, and his love for God changed the lives of many of his contemporaries (Nehemiah 5:1-19).

King Josiah, who became king at only 8 years old, proved himself to be a righteous leader, with a zeal for acting out of great love for God: "He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and followed completely the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left" (2 Kings 22:2). His heart was with God, doing good for The Lord. He began restoring the Kingdom of Judah to the Way of the LORD, and as the Bible says, "...neither before nor after Josiah was there a king like him who turned to the Lord as he did—with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength..." (2 Kings 23:1-25).

Furthermore, Moses and Joshua had no personal riches to share with others; they were doing good for God and shared their lives and families with the children of Israel (Hebrews 11:26; Joshua 10:12-15) out of their love for God. Aaron, his sons, and the entire Levite tribe had no inheritance among the Israelites; they were doing good to God out of their love for Him (Deuteronomy 18:1-5) for He was their inheritance.

If we have God as our inheritance like the Levites, we live to do good in His name without a need to identify and declare to others our works. In fact, the best deeds of love are always hidden from the sight of others (Matthew 6:1-4). We must have an ‘eye’ spiritually to identify the needs of others and do good in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17; 1 John 3:17). In so doing, we secure temporary and eternal rewards (1 Timothy 4:8).

Briefly, for the sake of making this article brief, and to render it as practical as possible, I will share some personal experiences. This is by no means intended to draw attention to people or myself, but for the purity of our faith and obedience to God. After I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ in 1990, I was eager to do everything the Bible says. The more I read the Bible, the more I wanted the room to practice what it says. In my inexperience, I shared the gospel and opened my apartment to strangers, because the Bible says so. As a result of my efforts, I suffered abuse from my own immediate company which was Christians who criticized me saying that I am not Jesus and that I would not be able to save the world. These and many other similar statements were negative and meant to discourage me; even though the very same folk telling me making these statements were beneficiaries of my doing good. I preached the gospel in trains, in public parks, and on the streets. I shared whatever I could with those in need. My obedience was driven by my love for Christ Jesus. I have never publicly mentioned this except for the benefit of the work of God (2 Corinthians 12:10) to encourage you into action.

Similarly, to prove Scripture right, we have not failed to receive God’s due blessings for our efforts of love and obedience (Galatians 6:9). He raised up people, who love and fear Him, to minister to our needs and the needs of this ministry. May the faithfulness of the Lord remain upon these brethren and those who share their lives and belongings with those in need forever and ever in Jesus’ name!

To the Glory of God

In conclusion, doing good for God is not just tithing, offering, or fasting to sympathize with the needy; it requires personal involvement (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). Among other Scriptures in God’s Judgement and rewards of us, the Lord will measure our attitude or heart’s intention against His stipulated commands (Matthew 25:34-46; Jeremiah 17:10). Therefore, we need to ask ourselves: in our work, did God receive the glory, and was He acknowledged? We or others may appeal for help from the body for the benefit of the gospel; we may also need to pray for discernment to determine if our doing good or helping is for the benefit or promoting of some culture, religion, ministry or individual. The broader reality should be to MAGNIFY CHRIST and point man to obedience in Him (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Finally, let us do good for Christ not loudly, but in silent obedience. You may not be noticed by others and it should not be your motive, but God is following your work to determine your rewards.

For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do” (Hebrews 6:10 NLT).

Why are you doing good? Is it with the wrong motive of receiving rewards instead of love for God? Have you been doing good works to promote yourself or your “brand”, instead of glorifying God? Have you neglected the needy or avoided personal involvement in doing good for God? If so, please repent. If you are not yet born again, here is a Prayer of Sincere Repentance to get you started. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Love,

Brother Glenn.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Thanksgiving To God

Our Commitment Expresses Our Gratitude to God

“Bring [your] thanks to God as a sacrifice, and keep your vows to the Most High” (Psalm 50:14 GWT).

It is essential that Christians offer thanksgiving to the Lord. As a ministry, the Lord has instructed us to have a thanksgiving and worship session once a week. With peace falling apart in the world right now, all we need is Christ. Thus, to be closer to Him through thanksgiving sessions enables us to 'dwell in the shadow of the Most High'. The Lord recently revealed to us that nobody has the answers to the world's problems but He alone, and if we want to see Him intervene in the world's affairs, Christians need to PRAY OFTEN AND VERY HARD DAILY!

Brethren, this week’s message is as equally important as all the other messages we posted here. As a reminder, the Lord told us that everything we do or say in His Name carries the same importance and urgency. We, therefore, urge you to take note of this message and be encouraged to draw closer to the Lord (James 4:8).

While we will always fall short in terms of our works before the Lord, the Bible does not say that we have to hid our lights under a table (Matthew 5:14). Let us not confuse this message with our Praise and Worship article which we wrote and shared here a sometimes ago. The Lord intended the reason for this message as an encouragement to the brotherhood to get involved in their Heavenly Father’s business (Luke 2:49) by following, obeying, and testifying about the Lord’s Grace and Goodness (Acts 2:11). A few years ago when the Lord commanded my wife to find some willing sisters to pray with her on Saturday mornings. In order to encourage my wife and the sisters who joined her prayer group to be faithful in their commitment to the prayers, the Lord gave them various passages of Scriptures from the Bible through Charis to read as encouragement before starting their intercessory prayers. Among such Bible passages from the Lord was Psalm 50 and the Lord drew my attention to verses 14 and 23 the Lord taught us that if Christians voluntarily submit to His will and serve, they fulfill their vow of being obedient and that is an expression of thanks offering (Psalm 50:14; 1 Samuel 15:22), not forgetting that goodness and sharing with others should flow naturally from all of us as Christians (Hebrews 13:16; 2 Peter 1:5).

Prioritizing Our Godly Calling

Additionally, we recently shared a vision from the Lord regarding the Ordinary and Priority Judgments which many Christians wished we heard incorrectly. However, that does not bother us and we are just glad obediently and humbly share whatever we received from the Lord. Furthermore, from our years of experience with the Lord and the rebukes and corrections we received from Him, we can boldly testify that Christians who are lazy, worldly, and who sin purposely will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Now, we are not making a case for the salvation of works, but the Lord Jesus Christ warned and told us as a family and ministry that our works as Christians testify about our faith and association with Him (1 John 3:9). In other words, the Lord will measures our obedience towards Him through our works, because faith translates into action, “In the same way, faith by itself is dead if it doesn't cause you to do any good things” (James 2:17 GWT).

Brethren, as Christians, we have generally accepted the institutionalized Church system without question. As we acknowledged elsewhere on this platform, some Christians are just content to attend a one-day week of Church service without regard for a personal ministry as the Apostle Paul stresses in the book of Philippians and a commitment toward God (Philippians 4:9; Daniel 6:10; Acts 1:8). Finally, be encouraged, seek God’s will daily for your life, serve the Lord and bless the brethren in the Name of the Lord.

Would you like to be a guest of honor at the Lamb's wedding supper to sit and feast with all the great witnesses of God? If so, make your commitment today to Christ the Lord. Do you want to give your works an eternal meaning? To begin a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, please repent and start by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Love

Brother Glenn