How The Lord Confirmed His Promise
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6 NKJV).
On December 12, 2016, we originally shared this article and we noticed not many Christians read this testimony which we believe could help countless brethren receiving breakthroughs. Since we focused on prayer in our last article, it is pleasing to the Lord to share this message again as commanded by the Lord for your edification. Now in order to receive a breakthrough, we only need to take faith with us which would help us develop patience, persistence, perseverance and humility. Generally, Christians are struggling with issues of faith and confidence in the Presence of God.
Briefly, this might be a slightly lengthy article, but we have attempted to be to the point. As you know, the Lord commanded us to share this testimony to encourage the brethren that He is still answering prayers and those who ask must believe
(Matthew 21:22). Sometime ago, the Lord revealed to us repeatedly that we must be persistent and consistent in our prayers and pray until our requests are granted
(Colossians 4:2-6; Luke 18:1-8).
Briefly, over the years that we received messages and visions from the Lord, certain revelations and things about the future would not have made sense had we shared it immediately. In fact, neither did some of it make sense to us then but we believed it, and like John the Baptist’s father, we only understood the reality of the prophecy when it reached its fulfillment
(Luke 1:20; 62-66). You may also have noticed recently that we only shared some major prophecies the Lord gave us some months or even years after they were given. Why? With some revelations, the Lord forbid that we share it immediately until He commands us to, and other revelations that we don't understand, we would pray for understanding before sharing it to avoid people being confused and blaming us as false. Sadly, though, there were, unfortunately, some people who gave their own interpretation to some things we shared, and they subsequently accused us of being false. It is foolhardy to suggest something is false if you simply don’t believe it, and also declaring a Word from the Lord as false when it still needs fulfillment is equally foolish
(Jeremiah 28:9; Deuteronomy 18:21-22).
Ministry Need for a Prayer House
We have already shared
how this ministry started, and we did mention that we operated from our living room for our home church services and our prayer meetings. Furthermore, we also mentioned that the Lord did not allow children in our intercessory prayer meetings so that we may not be disturb during prayers. Briefly, there was one occasion when it rained heavily, and after we had returned from witnessing, we decided to pray without taking the children to my mother in law’s house which is quite a distance from where we live. That evening, we heard the Lord thundering and our children were all awaken by that sound, and some of them came running in where we were praying. This act was very displeasing to the Lord, after rebuking us saying that our prayers for that evening did not make it to Heaven, He commanded that we redo the prayers the following day. When the Lord commanded us not to allow children in our prayer meetings, He specifically said,
“The prayers are holy and must be kept safe.” In a later revelation to us, the Lord revealed that angels come with baskets and usher our prayers into the Presence of God
(Revelations 5:8). Therefore, the problem with our children (including some ministry member’s children) and our lack of a proper dedicated prayer house led us to earnestly plead with the Lord to bless us with a prayer house.
Thus, during
April 2012 as a ministry we deliberated on the problems we had, and after our discussions, we all agreed that we needed to trust the Lord to bless us with a prayer house
(Matthew 18:19). Our need was genuine it was not based on some ambitious plan but on a true concern to obey the Lord in keeping our prayers private and without disturbance
(Matthew 6:6).
How Satan Opposed us
We can assure you brethren; the devil has his people everywhere and they work tirelessly to oppose the work of God
(2 Corinthians 12:7; Matthew 16:23). We will share further below how the devil opposed us and how we had to overcome him to receive God’s promise
(1 Thessalonians 2:18). After failing to have our prayer house plan approved by the local authorities during July 2012, and after having spent a lot of money on the building project, we gave up (but not on prayer) on ever getting our prayer house plan approved with red-tape, excuses, and unnecessary delays. As we continued praying, our neighbor's next door reported to us during August 2013 that they were moving out and I immediately prayed asking the Lord to bless us with the house and a few evenings I had a dream that the Lord was going to bless us with that house. This dream was a great faith motivator, with our following prayer meeting, I encouraged the brethren to trust the Lord with my family and me for the house next door, and we decided to go on a one-day fast. Glory to the Lord in the highest Heaven, He answered giving both Charis, Jaydeen visions that He has granted our request. The reception of these visions, which we have voice recorded filled our hearts with unspeakable joy which lifted our spirits with faith to continue praying and trusting the Lord.
Enduring Test Before God’s Promises Realise
Let me confidently state, no blessing from God has ever come without a test. Although God promised Abraham a future blessing of being a father of many nations while he was childless
(Genesis 17:1-6), his faith was tested when he suddenly had to sacrifice his son Isaac
(Genesis 22:1-2) through whom the promise of God was linked. Abrahams' faith was unshaken, and this did not deter him from trusting God
(Hebrews 11:19).
Likewise, the Bible says Jacob was promised with greatness with the same blessings Abraham received
(Genesis 27:27-29). However,
before he inherited God’s blessings, he had to endure 20 years of hard labor
(Genesis 31:38-41) and living as a pilgrim in the promised land, but he considered God faithful to deliver on His promises
(Genesis 48:3-4). Additionally, young Joseph, who was favored by God and promised to be master and ruler of his father’s children
(Genesis 37:7-8), had to endure every kind of test and hardship before he was appointed ruler of Egypt
(See Genesis 37, 39, 40 and 41). Similarly, God tested the children of Israel to measure their obedience towards Him before they could enter the Promised Land
(Deuteronomy 8:1-2). We know that through war, death and rebelliousness some received the promise while others did not, but God’s promises were fulfilled through those who believed, endured and obeyed Him
(Joshua 23:14-15).
Our Struggle Against Satan and Discouragement
Accordingly, as a ministry, we had to endure test as well. This experience and some other experiences have taught us that God’s promises do not always have an obvious occurrence. As we demonstrated on the above scriptural references, God allowed the devil room to sow doubt, confusion, and emotional pain to test our faith and as we obey and endure we overcome and receive what God promised
(2 Corinthians 4:8-9). As I alluded above, the people who moved out of the property we intended purchasing refused to sell it to us after numerous requests.
Instead, things seemed to turn against us; two different families moved into the property God promised us with the option of buying it. Now this could have turned any believer into doubting God’s promise since one of the occupants planned in buying the house. What was worse, we did not have the financial means to make an offer, we simply just had faith and our prayers. However, knowing what was going to happen, and how timely He is, the Lord worked in the heart of a very dear and humble sister whom the Lord described as being a faithful servant who has a heart of love for Him and His work to help us financially.
Furthermore, after one of the occupants could not raise the money to buy the property, it was sold on auction during
July 24, 2014. After asking the Lord in prayer through Charis, He did not answer if we could approach the new ‘owner’ to buy it from him, but we thought we should use our faith and negotiate with the person who bought the property from the auction. The decision to enter into a contract with the new ‘owner’ seemed to be a deal from hell. He was a conman Satan used to defraud us of our money
(John 10:10) and the prayer house. The joy of finally acquiring the prayer house after the previous hurdles like our building plans that were disapproved and the potential buyers and occupation of the promised property all just disappeared in great sadness, regret and unbelieve. After numerous prayers and requests through Charis, He just said, “how to know that God is testing you”. Honestly, this served as little comfort and encouragement to us, with some people even doubting and ridiculing our decision.
Brethren, as bad as this turned out, the Lord was using this bad experience to humble and make us dependent on Him. We fully turned to the Lord to in prayer to deliver us from the mess we found ourselves in, with our money gone and so the dream of our prayer house.
(There will be a follow-up article as we are still involved in a civil matter with the fraudster, the outcome of which the Lord already showed to be in our favor) However, we rallied in prayer and fasting, and the Lord took the property of the hands of the fraudster giving us another opportunity to buy it. As a ministry, we decided to go on one-day fast and
Monday 23 May I received a visit from an Angel of the Lord in a vision, and he said that the Lord had given us the property
(Acts 27:23-25). Praise the Lord; I encouraged the brethren with this message knowing the Lord was encouraging us to be focused on Him and believe. After accepting an invitation, on
May 26, 2016, we (My wife and I) attended the auction of the property not knowing Satan has arranged for the entrances to and out of the area to be closed through violent protest; please read the full story on the links provided below. ( and .
After unsuccessful attempts to get out of the area, and by then our desperation had turned into worry that we would not be able to make it on time. My wife and I together with our children prayed, pleading with the Lord to open a way out for us and after we had made a telephone call to someone, he informed us that there was a direction out of the area. The alternative route was all rocky and difficult to drive on but glory to the Lord we ‘escaped’ and entered through this difficult road after securing the property at the auction. Without being exaggerative, we were met with stiff competition at the auction for this was not an easy experience. We were opposed and intimidated by some experienced people who threatened to reverse the decision if we could not come up with all the money needed (1% of the total auctioned value of the property) and we did not have all the cash. They allowed no exceptions and with potential buyers still waiting outside for the decision to be reversed against us, the Lord granted us a favor and I were allowed to transfer the difference right there into the account of the sheriff. After having survived a scare with a daring, desperate faith, my wife and I could only exclaim,
‘THANK YOU LORD, what a victory after all our struggles!’
Having secured the property, we were given two weeks to come up with the balance of the full auction price. Knowing that we did not have the full balance, we again turned to the Lord, and He provided assistance and on
December 2, 2016, we received the property title deed closing a painful experience and struggle against the devil in the acquisition of our prayer house.
In conclusion, we know that many Christians fail to receive an answer to prayer, in fact, many quits after being intimidated by circumstances the devil presents. Through this article, the Lord is encouraging you never to give up and persevere even when things seem against you. Don’t allow the disguise of the situation to intimidate you, the enemy fashions it that way to create fear, doubt, and discouragement in you and once he succeeds in doing that, you lose out on the promise
(Numbers 13:31-33). Therefore, work with God on your problem, be on His case by being persistent for this is pleasing to the Lord and He will grant your request.
We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ yet, or of you are not born again, to pray our suggested prayer on this link Prayer of Sincere Repentance
by faith and follow the Lord (Matthew 4:19). You may also contact us for any questions or comments about this article or our ministry.
Great peace and love to you all,
Blessed regards
Brother Glenn