Latest Prophecies & Visions


Ezekiel 3:4 And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them.

Dear Brethren

VISION: 29/06/2024 By Brother Glenn

I had a vision during the early hours of the above date, in this vision I saw countless Christians being brutally killed and persecuted mercilessly. We are sharing this before it happens so that the brethren be prepared in prayer and know that no death or persecution will be able to separate us from the LOVE of GOD in our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Romans 8:35-39).

Vision: 07/05/2024 By Brother Glenn

Greetings in the name of our Wonderful Lord Jesus Christ. I had a powerful vision just before 5 a.m. In the vision I heard somebody from a distance saying  "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved”(Acts 4:12).

 I found myself repeating this sentence while pointing and looking into the sky, and immediately, I saw Heaven open and I saw countless Angels (In the appearance of blazing light or fire) descending from Heaven gathering those who are to inherit salvation. It appeared as if the whole world was condensed into one place and they went fetching the saved. While waiting eagerly for my turn, I saw an Angel closing in on me and at once I was caught up into the sky to join the countless other people in a cloud...end of vision! (Matthew 24:31).

Blessed Regards
Brother Glenn

Latest Messages from the Lord

Vision To Brother Glenn (12 April 2024)

I had a vision in the early hours of the morning, in that vision I saw a well known Christian Brother amongst UN delegates pleading the course for peace. After prayer, the Lord revealed to me that He has called Christians as His ambassadors of peace and we must pray for the problems in the world.

Given to Brother Glenn 25/03/2024

I received a message from the Lord that a terrible world war is about to break out and it will affect every soul on earth. Brethren we need to pray and be ready!

12 August 2023 Given to Brother Glenn

I heard the Lord say, "War with Iran is inevitable"

27 June 2023 Given to Brother Glenn

During the early hours of above date, I heard the Voice of the Lord saying, "The ANC (The AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS THE SOUTH AFRICAN RULING PARTY) is going to lose their majority" and this was confirmed twice to me. (Now, Brethren I cannot say if it will be during our next elections (2024) or beyond.

27 July 2023 Given to Brother Glenn

In this vision, during the early hours of above date, I was given a message Charis wrote down from the Lord it said, "The (New) Jab is already here (I knew this was referring to the Mark Of The Beast) and some Christians are secretly living in sin". END!