Monday, March 28, 2022

Being Patient For The DAY Of The Lord

Why Turning On Your Brethen When The Lord Tarries?

“We are proud of you and tell the other churches about you. We tell them how your faith stays so strong even when people make it hard for you and make you suffer” (2 Thessalonians 1:4 NLV).

It is a well-known fact that many well-meaning men and women of God have written several articles and books on the topic of the Lord Jesus’ Second coming. As a ministry, we have also been given several revelations (visions) regarding the Lord’s Second coming just like the saints who preceded us (James 5:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-7; Acts 1:9-11) which served as a confirmation to us that the Lord is coming indeed.

As it is then, as soon as some Christians hear a revelation or vision about the Lord’s coming they ‘sober up’ spiritually and walk faithfully some even become generous to the needy they formally cared little about, and after a few months or years once they start seeing the Lord is not coming they slowly go back to their sinful ways (2 Peter 2:22). Now, not only have they returned to their shameful ways, they become opponents, mockers bitterly criticizing those Godsend to alert and prepare them for works of service (Ephesians 4:12-16; Matthew 24:42-46).

Now, brethren as you all know, there is no greater feeling of excitement than hearing about the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and as a ministry and family, the moment we receive revelation from the Lord we share it with the JOY that accompanies the revelation. Some time ago, I was confronted by some brethren who after seeing that the Lord was not coming as soon as they thought He would come as false. How could we be false when we did not give a date or even know when that DAY would be?

Surely, a discerning Christian ought to know that the Lord’s coming will come as a surprise without any prior warning or anticipation (Revelations 16:15; Matthew 24:43). While some of us are wisely looking at world events as described in the bible (Matthew 24; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-11; 2 Timothy 3:1-9), we are unable to designate a specific sign as the tip of an iceberg that would precipitate the Lord’s immediate coming since ONLY the ALMIGHTY GOD has the authority to set times and events (Acts 1:7; Mark 13:32).

Encouragement To Endure While Serving

Therefore, our encouragement to you our dear brethren is to faithfully continue to run this race with the joy, patience, and devotion you had when your relationship started with the Lord (Revelations 2:4) or have you lost your first love for the Lord due to discouragement, sin or disobedience? Like many of us, we all consciously decided to accept Christ as Lord and Savior by acknowledging our sin by putting our faith in His rich promises (1 John 2:25) of salvation and a sinless eternity. In addition, it is truly worrisome and very displeasing to the Lord that Christians walks in hatred and unforgiveness towards one another and the Lord recently told me that when we do so, we give up our salvation in exchange for hate and evil desires which only harbors His punishment (Romans 2:9-11).

Finally, let us serve patiently and faithfully not giving up on the work of service God called us to, whether it be giving to help needy members of the body, preaching, encouraging, and evangelizing (1 Peter 4:10) the trumpet has not sounded yet so our journey continues in JESUS NAME as we remember that God’s calling is for the duration of this lifetime (2 Corinthians 8:10-12; 2 Timothy 4:7; John 9:4). Thus, we have a lifetime calling of service to the BODY of believers and the unsaved so let us not neglect the gift(s) or talents of our calling which we know we have by faith as we practiced it but USE IT and KEEP BUSY so we may not be ashamed when He appears (1 Timothy 4:14; Matthew 25:14-30). Being human and weak, I myself was recently warned by the Lord when I wanted to discontinue my ministry work and activities and the vision I shared in our visions section in the last part (Vision Of Christ's Judgment Seat (27/05/2018). Please take warning!

If you are not saved yet, you may start by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Love and Peace

Brother Glenn

Monday, March 7, 2022

Redemption Drawing Near

 Prepare For The Reign Of Evil

“But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near(Luke 21:28 NIV).

Brethren, the Lord is still giving us an opportunity to repent and to do our works of service (Matthew 3:2; Ephesians 4:12). As a family, the Lord has also warned us that we need to work faithfully on our salvation as that day will happen without warning (1 Corinthians 15:52). If there are those Christians who are still doubting or wanting to 'see first' before believing, there will be no prior warnings, but sudden destruction (1 Thessalonians 5:3). 

As it is, the time of evil is already upon us where 'truth is being thrown to the ground'(Daniel 8:12). The Lord has placed a great burden of fear upon me for the fearful things that are coming (which are so very close) and many countries will fall economically and lose their sovereignty and independence. By the Spirit of the Lord, I can see evil nations (Nations who have no fear for God Almighty) conspiring together to bring the fall of many unsuspecting nations. Over the years, the Lord has given various prophecies and warnings through His servants to various Nations who simply ignored such warnings. Unlike the City of Nineve when they received the Lord's warning they repented and God saved their city from destruction (Jonah 3:4-10). 

New World Order

Of course, in our day, Christianity has been reduced to being just another religion and our government systems simply separated God from the state. While it is the duty of Christians to pray for their respective countries for the benefit of the population (1 Timothy 2:2), God who sets up kings and brings them down has appointed a day of reckoning for all nations (Daniel 2:21; Isaiah 34:8). 

Furthermore, as we get closer to the rapture, so would evil intensify, and the wealth of many nations will corrode. Now, the current war between Russia and Ukraine has started to cripple the economy of many nations and by the word of the Lord, the world economy pre-covid-19 will NOT be returning to normal. I thus encourage Christians everywhere to work towards the reduction of debts and to avoid credit. We are entering very trying times. However, those who fear the Lord and are faithful will have nothing to fear but to humbly continue in the will of the Lord. 

In conclusion, the bible says, 'The Prudent see danger and take cover' (Proverbs 22:3), let us take heed, pray and warn those around us. The Lord said that the same economic conditions facing many poorer nations currently will fall on the rich nations too (James 5:3).

Blessed Grace

Brother Glenn