Monday, October 7, 2019

Accusing other Unjustly Is Displeasing To God

The Lord provided an excellent message of encouragement through a faithful brother and his dear wife who always put the things of God first and who share the joy of this work with us (Philippians 1:4-5). In addition to this week’s message, the Lord has provided a heart-warming and an encouraging vision (Vision of Disbelief) as an assurance of His love for you and His command to this ministry.

The Bible declares: “Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:16). We are similarly warned elsewhere by the Lord: “You must not spread a false report. Do not join the wicked to be a malicious witness” (Exodus 23:1 HCSB).

Accusing Others for Self-Elevation

Since the beginning of time, people have always looked for someone to blame for poor decisions or when something [bad] happens to them (Genesis 3:1-13). In the above Scripture, we see Satan initiating the wrong act, the woman disobeying God’s command for selfish gain, accepting sin and leading her husband astray. When the Lord questions them, the man blames the woman, and the woman blames the serpent. In the Bible, Satan is the accuser of the brethren and truly born-again Christians should not be falsely accusing others like Satan does (Revelation 12:10; Zechariah 3:1); it is enough that he is using the world to conspire against the Lord! (Acts 4:24-28).

Naturally, people always act out of self-interest and at the expense of others. It is so easy to look back at the history of any given nation and to point a finger to some wrong decisions our predecessors made, and start blaming them for our current problems. We are all imperfect (Romans 3:10, 23) and the Lord is not pleased when we blame others for our own mistakes. No matter the influence, we have a responsibility to live obediently before God; He will judge those who sinned in the past (Hebrews 9:27 NKJV). Therefore, even though we may have objections, the Lord still holds us accountable for the poor decisions we make (1 Samuel 15:24); this is called personal accountability to God (Ezekiel 18:20).

Examples of False Accusations

The Bible highlights several examples of people falsely accusing others. In her lust for Joseph, Potiphar’s wife enticed him day after day to go to bed with her. However, Joseph feared God and respected his master. As we know, this lustful obsession led Potiphar’s wife to resort to lies and false accusations, resulting in Joseph being wrongfully imprisoned (Genesis 39:7-20). In accusing Joseph, Potiphar’s wife was keen to gratify her selfish craving, blaming others for her weakness instead of taking personal responsibility.

Moreover, we see with great consequence how Korah, Dathan and Abiram tried to lead a rebellion against Moses and Aaron by heaping false accusations upon them and stirring up the people, in their zeal for self-elevation. However, the God of justice rejected and publicly shamed Korah, Dathan, Abiram and their followers (Numbers 16:3-33). We should never desire to prescribe to God; instead we must be humble to accept His will without question (Luke 14:7-11).

In yet a further example, we see how Joab was motivated by anger, hatred and jealousy and falsely accused Abner, a man with good intentions, of spying to commit treason (2 Samuel 3:24-25). As we know, Joab’s motivation for killing Abner was based on hatred and grudge (2 Samuel 3:30). Often, we find people starting quarrels and fights using false reports because they are motivated by jealousy, selfish ambitions, and other wicked intentions (1 Kings 21:8-14). Brethren, next time you stand to accuse someone falsely, please examine your motives, and if they are malicious, please repent in Jesus' name, and withdraw those accusations against your fellow man. Remember, the Lord hates lying and people who stir up strife or conflict and suppress the truth (Proverbs 6:16-17;19).

Again, we betray the truth while denying others justice for money, power and self-interest. While many people were rightly believing in and following the Lord Jesus, the chief priests and Pharisees were worried about their status, power, and privileges so they plotted to kill Him (John 11:45-57; John 12:19). In the trial of our Lord Jesus Christ, his accusers used every vile motive like jealousy and hatred for the truth to silence Him so that they may continue in sin (Matthew 26: 57-68; 27:20-23).

As an observation, some lawyers do their best to conceal the wicked motives of some of their clients in a bid to give them unfair advantage during the trial, leading to miscarriage of justice. While those motives might be concealed from man in extortion of truth, God will bring to light all the hidden works of darkness (Luke 8:17; 12:2-3; 1 Corinthians 4:5).

From my own experience, I did not escape the Lord’s rebuke on this sin of falsely accusing others. In a fit of anger one evening, I uttered some strong words against a member of my family, and these words were very displeasing to the Lord. Shortly after the incident, I apologized with some reservations, blaming my past upbringing as the root cause of my unwarranted behavior. In His rebuke and judgment of my actions, the Lord gently, yet in STRONG terms called me to order by reminding me of my responsibility in regard to my commitment to Him. His words convicted me and I felt guilty for falsely accusing and blaming others for my willful sin. Brethren, the Lord said that purposeful and willful sinning is provoking Him to judgment against us (Deuteronomy 9:7-8).

God Judges Malicious Accusers Swiftly

As in the case of Korah and his followers when they falsely accused Moses and Aaron (Numbers 16:1-35), other jealous accusers were also punished. These include:

  • The accusers of Daniel (Daniel 6:24)
  • Miriam, Moses’ sister who instigated an accusation against him (Numbers 12:1-11)
  • Shimei, who cursed and accused David falsely of forcefully taking the Kingdom of Israel from Saul when it was the Lord who gave Him the Kingdom of Israel (2 Samuel 16:5-8; 1 Kings 2:36-46).
The Lord does not condone selfish human motives and judge in their favour; He judges impartially (1 Peter 1:17). This is what I found out a few months ago when I accused someone of wrong doing; the Lord acknowledged that person’s mistakes and showed me mine too. Brethren we are not mentioning this to induce fear in you, nor do we try to set ourselves apart as untouchable. Our message and teaching to you must stand the Scriptural test (Acts 17:11). If our message has genuine motives and brings glory to God, He will grant us favour.

In the light of the above examples, no one accusing others falsely will escape God’s wrath and judgment. His judgments are swift, sure and without delay. There are many people who think that God will only deal with the unjust on Judgment Day. While it is true that judgment day is coming, there are Scriptures that show that the Lord does issue immediate judgement as well (Revelation 3:19; Acts 5:1-11). Additionally, in our experiences with the Lord and as a ministry, we have witnessed the Lord issuing punishment on the guilty and those who oppose His will. There are many people -- Christians and non-Christians alike -- who are simply not discerning God’s judgments. As it is, when Herod opposed the gospel and failed to honor God he was struck dead (Acts 12:23) and Elymas the false prophet was stricken with blindness (Acts 13:6-12) for opposing the gospel.

As a ministry, we have also endured attacks against our messages and visions from the Lord. In preserving the integrity of our message, the Lord came to our defense, serving those who attacked and accused us falsely with judgments exposing their evil (See The Vision of Serllia in the Spirit of Witchcraft article). Still, the Lord rebuked others who tried to justify the status of their leaders, showing that no one is above His Word (See Lying in Jesus’ Name article). Closer to home, there were people who attended our home ministry and in their jealousy and malicious gossiping they spread falsehood about us. In messages and visions to us, the Lord exposed their hidden motives while correcting them to repent from such sins. The Lord has cautioned many of us in this ministry against accusing others falsely. Often the Lord finds such actions deliberate and maliciously motivated by hatred and grudges, causing hurt to others for self-gain. Let us therefore be silent like a lamb: “He was abused and punished, but he didn't open his mouth. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. He was like a sheep that is silent when its wool is cut off. He didn't open his mouth” (Isaiah 53:7 GW).

If you are not yet born again, please get started by praying this Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed grace,

Brother Glenn