Monday, May 20, 2024

Keeping The Lamp Standing

Don't Flirt With Sin

"Be ready for whatever comes, dressed for action and with your lamps lit (Luke 12:35 GNB).

Vision by Claudia (21/04/2020).

I had a vision from the Lord during the early hours of above date, the devil appeared and an Angel of God (Jude 1:9). They were discussing me, I heard the Angel of the Lord saying to the devil 'the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking to Claudia and she is doing well' (Job 1:8). I sensed some evil spirits moving all around the devil and he said in reply, "I don't think she can keep the lamp standing". The Angel of God looked at him and walked away. End of vision! Like Job, he attacked her by inflicting her with a condition (Glory to God she is recovering daily from this affliction). As her parent's we are praying very hard for her daily while teaching her the scriptures and we know there is no reward for turning back (Hebrews 10:38), she is equally Heaven bound to follow the Lord no matter the devil's attacks. We know the devil issues challenges and our Lord Jesus Himself was tempted as His followers we must just be ready for whatever comes (Matthew 4:1-11). The night before [20/04/2020]Claudia received this message the devil appeared to me (Brother Glenn) in a dream and he attacked me verbally and physically to cause me to fear him, but I rebuked him in Jesus name and he flee (James 4:7).

Important note: The Lord have also given Claudia a vision relating to the end things on April 24, 2020, it is also very symbolic in nature we are and have been praying for interpretation and once the Lord provides more clarification we promise to share with you. 

Now brethren, the Lord had me write this article regarding this matter for this week. The Lord says many Christians that He called and anointed to serve the body have also received gifts from the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) are falling under the weight of Satan's attacks and consequently they cannot keep the lamp standing (Matthew 5:15). Please read this entire message and after this article, I promise you would have gain much faith and truth to build your salvation on in Jesus name. What Satan has left is just fear, sin and intimidation those who belongs to Christ he has no power to harm with death.

Brethren, this is a very important message that the Lord gave us for this week it is equal in importance to all the articles we wrote here and what we are yet to write if the Lord permits (James 4:15). As a reminder, the Lord once told us that every teaching from His Word should be treated with reverence, urgency and importance (2 Timothy 3:16).

Satan To The Opportunity

It is a fact that many Christians are not ready or well equipped to withstand the devil when he strikes (1 Peter 5:8). As there are many sins (Galatians 5:19-21; Revelations 21:8) people commits and which afflicts humanity and with Satan’s presence in the world (Revelations 12:12; Luke 10:18) so much options and chances does he have at his disposal to work against us. In addition, it is true that most people including Christians are repeating some of these sins daily; and as long as some of these sins are present in our lives the devil has control over that particular area of our lives. In other words, he has an opportunity to retard our progress in Christ and stagnate our spiritual growth and (Ephesians 4:27) thus denying us of spiritual gifts and blessings (John 9:31; Matthew 6:33; Deuteronomy 28:1-14).

Furthermore, I’d like to add by saying the following; please do not ‘flirt’ with sin. What I mean by this is that we often ‘try’ things out which appears to be ‘innocent’. However, as we continue ‘as casual’ observers the devil sows a seed of desire for that particular indulgence and when we bite he provides lots of ‘support’ to lock us in and this results in a daily struggle and practice. Therefore, if you ‘flirt with sin you ‘flirt’ with the devil and he is ready to enhance your desire and appetite for the thing(s) you crave for (Genesis 3:1-6). Being a minster of the gospel, we have been privileged to hear from some people who wandered from the path of truth into the addictive trap of sin by a simple casual indulgence into some sins. This has sadly trapped countless people deeply into sin where some just don’t have the courage and faith to escape the soul obsessive pleasures.

Did God Create a Devil?

Additionally, the Bible says that Satan is a fallen angel (Luke 10:18; Ezekiel 28:12-17) and his nature is corrupted with sin and because Adam and Eve listened to him humanity became equally corrupted and adopted the sinful nature which separates us like Satan from a Holy God (Isaiah 59:2). But thanks be to God almighty for the gift of salvation through Christ our Lord for all the humanity (John 3:16).

As for the devil, someone once asked me is there no chance for the devil to repent and be saved? NO! The bible says salvation is for people and not for angels including Satan and his fallen angels (Hebrews 2:16). Why? Well, people earn salvation by confessing their sins and renouncing it and by receiving God’s gift of salvation through faith and that’s the basis of being saved (Hebrews 11:6). Does Satan need faith to be saved after having being created by God (as a guardian angel) and being in God’s Presence (Ezekiel 28:14-15)

Not at all! He can certainly not have faith which operates through hope if he has been in God’s Presence and ministered before God. Being a biblical fact which the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to me (Brother Glenn) recently (early April 2020), that Satan set himself up as God’s rival (Isaiah 14:12-15). In other words and on account of the preceding scripture, the devil’s rebelliousness against God is as such that he thought he was higher or above the God Almighty. Therefore, God did not create a devil to oppose humanity, but he chose to be one and people follow their desires either to follow the devil or God. Scripturally, God tolerates no rivals, before Him there was no God even after Him (if it was possible) there will be no other God for He is God alone (Nahum 1:2; Isaiah 43:10). In the light of this scripture, the Almighty God was not created nor formed, He exists from ancient times with no beginning of time or days (Daniel 7:9-10; Psalm 90:2; Hebrews 7:3).

The World Where Good And Evil Exists Which One You Choose

The bible says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14 NIV). 

Now, being in rivalry with God, the devil set himself up as a god (with evil and debarred from possessing any good it is when he became a devil) and he (2 Corinthians 4:4) inherited the nature of sin and evil and all who follows him shares in that nature of sin and rebelliousness against God’s standards of morality (1 John 3:10; 1 Peter 1:16; John 8:44). He could not rival God in terms of holiness, since all things in all creation lives and exists through Him and are dependent on Him and subjected to His authority (Romans 11:36; Colossians 1:16). Therefore, the devil can only satisfy that nature and being consumed by evil and hatred for God, he attacks humanity to blind and deceive while turning people against God (2 Corinthians 4:4). Now since Satan operates as a god, on the evil side, he opposes and competes against God and he has accepted his faith as being eternally doom for destruction (Revelations 12:12; Revelations 20:20) and the nature of evil cannot exists in God’s creation (Revelation 21:4) and so God will be all and for all (1 Corinthians 15:8).

In conclusion, the choice to do sin always rests with us and to trust the Lord Jesus Christ is also a matter of choice we must decide wisely and avoid little traps those are ingredients to fall deeper into sin (Deuteronomy 30:19). In Jesus name, we beseech you brethren to keep the lamp standing and that is possible through faith, endurance, obedience, humility and prayerful devotion to God (Matthew 7:24-27). Finally our doubts, complaints, rebellion and our unbelief will never be able to change the eternal purposes of God. His plans are firm, unshaken and laid out, the devil failed and the future belongs to God Almighty and all those He called to be part of it (Proverbs 21:30; Revelations 21:5). Don’t you want to be part of God’s new beginning?

If you would like to receive God's forgiveness and be set free from the guilt of sin, and be born again please pray using this suggested prayer, our  Prayer of Sincere Repentance. For any questions or comments on this article or our ministry, please contact us.

Blessed Grace and Peace

Brother Glenn